Innovative thinking, practical tips and some crazy ideas
Great messaging needs great data (not Mad Men)

Great messaging needs great data (not Mad Men)

The “Mad Men” notion of people coming up with marketing and messaging ideas while drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes is great TV fare but definitely not reality. No school marketing and communication professionals I know have ever developed a campaign that way –...

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The Funnel meets the Flywheel

The Funnel meets the Flywheel

We’re all very familiar with the admissions funnel. It’s a variation of the sales funnel developed by agency executive Elias St. Elmo Lewis in 1898. The problem is that, at 126 years old, the funnel is feeling its age and is becoming less helpful to schools. The good...

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Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth

Not every moment in a parent’s experience with a school is equal. Some of them are more equal than others. Some of them are moments of truth. Of the many interactions a parent has with a school, some have deeper and more lasting impact than others. They are the ones...

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Three Rules for Creating Value Propositions

Three Rules for Creating Value Propositions

Figuring out your school’s value proposition is not easy. It raises all kinds of questions. Which features or characteristics will be of interest to prospective parents? And, even if they resonate with parents, do they represent value? What will convince parents that...

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11 Ways that Parent Experience Drives Enrollment Results

11 Ways that Parent Experience Drives Enrollment Results

Parent experience. You’ve heard about it. You may have read about it or thought about it. You may even have devoted some time to improving it at your school. The inevitable question is whether there are practical benefits to working on the parent experience. And more...

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11 Things Parent Ambassadors Need to Know

11 Things Parent Ambassadors Need to Know

Is it possible to have a group of extremely enthusiastic and well-informed parents who make lousy ambassadors? The answer is yes. Why? Because when it comes to successful ambassadorship, knowledge takes a back seat to passion. Ambassador training in many schools is...

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13 ways to foster faculty involvement in school marketing

13 ways to foster faculty involvement in school marketing

Teachers are the front line of a schools’ relationship with its parents. They are key influencers. Leveraging the impact of faculty members is an absolute necessity for the success of enrollment and marketing efforts. However, teachers are often uncomfortable with...

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5 ways that retention success leads to school success

5 ways that retention success leads to school success

Oftentimes it’s hard to muster the resources that are needed to move the needle on retention results. The retention presentation to faculty gets pre-empted. The retention committee can’t get past the in-formation stage. The board prefers to hear about website...

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