–> Branding is complicated. It’s time consuming. It can be damn expensive. So, selling your boss or your board on the idea of engaging in a branding project can be a monumental task. But here’s what makes it even harder. Most people don’t know what a brand...
Read any business, marketing or management publication these days and you’re almost certain to find an article about Big Data. The natural conclusion is that big data is for big organizations. That could be because just the term “big data” will leave...
How many times have you heard a blustering layperson exclaim, “We need to run this organization more like a business!” If you work or are involved in the nonprofit sector, odds are you’ve heard that more times than you’d care to remember. The truth is that nonprofits...
Well, maybe not all of them but the results of Nancy Schwartz’s latest Nonprofit Messages Survey sure are depressing – especially for those of us who are trying to service the marketing needs of organizations without becoming a nonprofit ourselves. The results are...
In a fit of fundraising heresy I posted this question on Linked In last week: Does saying thank you really make a difference? Do you know of a research study that proves that thanking donors will lead to further or increased donations? There was some method to my...
Note to Readers: We could use everyone’s insight and wisdom on this issue. Even if you are not involved with the world of independent schools, please read on and comment with your best advice. Classroom websites and e-newsletters represent an enormous challenge for...