E-Books & White Papers

Discover how the parent experience can drive enrollment results

All of the emotion—validation, frustration, challenge, pride, and support—as well as all of the functional benefits—knowledge, perspective, character development, and future choices—are part and parcel of the experience a parent has with your school.

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Learn why Heads of School are critical to marketing success.

More than ever before, head-of-school leadership is critical to marketing success. School marketing has changed dramatically in the past decade, creating new realities that only heads of schools havethe credibility and authority to successfully address.

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Monthly Insights and perspectives on independent school marketing

By mirroring the corporate discipline of customer experience, the previous eBook asserted that in an increasingly competitive environment, independent schools should acknowledge that parents are, in fact, customers.

Blog Posts

Bridging the Brand Gap

The brand gap is the single most important reason that schools are not realizing enrollment and fundraising goals. What is the brand gap? Author Marty Neumeier says the brand gap is “The gulf between business strategy and customer experience.” For schools, this...

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Great messaging needs great data (not Mad Men)

Great messaging needs great data (not Mad Men)

The “Mad Men” notion of people coming up with marketing and messaging ideas while drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes is great TV fare but definitely not reality. No school marketing and communication professionals I know have ever developed a campaign that way –...

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The Funnel meets the Flywheel

The Funnel meets the Flywheel

We’re all very familiar with the admissions funnel. It’s a variation of the sales funnel developed by agency executive Elias St. Elmo Lewis in 1898. The problem is that, at 126 years old, the funnel is feeling its age and is becoming less helpful to schools. The good...

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Chuck English really gets independent schools, and took the time and care to get to know ours from the inside out. During the entire process (research, planning, design, and implementation), Chuck listened to us and respected our vision every step of the way. He also offered sage advice (and even a little tough love) when it was needed. Independent schools have many choices for the creation of their school’s website; we’re thrilled that we chose English Marketing Works.

—Mandy Rizvi

Director of Admissions and OutreachSerendipity School

Contact us. We’d love to make marketing work for you.